Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Sun

She trudged along the stark expanse. Alone.

The darkness engulfed her every step, falling about her, in a dense cover. She gasped, unable to breathe, her throat as parched as the earth around her.

No echo to her footsteps. The cracked barren ground offers no respite. Her lips are matted with dust, her hair flying about her. She stumbles and falls and lies there helpless.

There it is then- that little hand- coaxing her on or is that her mind playing tricks?

And then she hears the giggles. She looks up in surprise and sees the cherub as the first light of dawn strikes the sky. The light surrounds the babe, his golden hair lit up like a halo. Smile, he says, and come see my world. Grasping her hand, he pulls her up. Her thirst forgotten, her tiredness vanishes as she follows this little God. He is pointing out everything all at once, his enthusiasm infectious. "Look- an anthill!", he says one minute- "Ah! The flowers", he says the next. And the barren land is transformed to lush greenery. Hues of amber dot the green as the sun rises higher into the sky. He is laughing and smiling all at once and she finds herself revived and rejuvenated, caught in this new found wave of euphoria.

She picks him up and twirls him around, laughing along with him. Then holds him up, looks him in the eye and asks him- "And WHO are you?" He gurgles but does not answer. He hugs her, tight- as if, he'd never let go. And she hugs hims back, her eyes closed- wishing not to ever let go. And they become one.

She opens her eyes to the first ray of sunlight. She gulps. Her throat is still parched but she smiles. She looks at the sun and smiles.

She'll live, she knows.


I am an Aquarian. Hence, as per Tarot lore, my card is The Star. And while The Star resonates positivity, my personal favorite is The Sun. It makes me smile, laugh, forget my sorrows and fills me with something we all need- Hope.

I see The Sun and I know that things will be all right and that my God will have me smiling at the end of it all.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Singularity (sing-gyuh-LAR-i-tee) noun : A point in space-time at which space-time curvature becomes infinite and at which measurable quantities become exactly zero or infinitely large.


I jump from the moving bus, eager to get home. Show the trophy to my mother.

The digital clock glimmers in the dark. It's 3:05 AM and its hot. My mother puts cold wipes on my forehead. Father's pacing the room restlessly.

It's foggy. Pale sunlight is streaming through, reflecting off of the dust particles, turning them to glittery diamond dust. I see her standing with her friends, plucking the  lily, tucking it behind her ear.

I am crouched in my room. Pale moonlight filtering in through the curtains that are softly shifting in the night breeze. I can see my shadow. Its big. Bigger than I am. Than I ever was. Noises in the background. They are fighting again. I am eight.

Organ music plays. We are together. I turn to her as the carousel starts spinning. She laughs, looking at me, her hair whipping across her face.

Led Zep's blaring in the background. We're cutting lines on the tiny coffee table. It doesn't seem like it has been used for coffee anytime soon. Ever. A whiff. Stairway to heaven.

They are calling out my name. I step onto the stage, dressed in my graduation cape. Father and Mother are seated in the crowd. Not together. 

They are rioting on the streets. We are. I fling a stone with all my might. A cop's down. They fire. There's panic- a stampede. I am turning to look back as I run. A streak of blood hits me in the face, blinding me momentarily. Someone's fallen.

We're at the river bank, dipping our feet lightly in the water. I am turning to kiss her. We are making love. On the river bank, under the stars.

The doctor's handing over the babe to me. A precious life, left in callous arms. She is dying. The sheets are bloody; her breathing, shallow.

She walked today. Stumbling and struggling. Her eyes turned upwards as if to seek my approval. Her eyes. Just like her mother's. We visit her grave every year and adorn it with lilies.

Her first day at school. Trembling, eyes brimming with tears. Lips, a near pout. Clutching with all her might her brand new pink school bag. The teacher lovingly takes her hand. I get a teary wave.

She is squealing. The object of her affection a few feet away. We are at the concert of her favorite pop star. Its pink and glitter everywhere. I am shaking my head to get rid of the confetti, catching the eye of the lady nearby, also there with her daughter. We shrug. Kids!

Twelve. That's how old she is. Twelve. She is crossing the road, waving to her friends on the other side. A few yards away, the car is screeching towards the intersection. It's speeding. My baby girl isn't.

Singularity. A black hole in the Extropian worldview whose gravity is so intense that no light can be shed on what lies beyond it. By David Victor de Transend

She likes lilies. Just like her mother.

Singularity. Sometimes I think it's my heart.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Jackpot

Ching ...whirrrrr...

They hear it. All of them. And it pulls them in. Like the sound of sirens that enchanted Oddysseus' men a zillion years ago...For who am I but a siren?

I see them day by day, spending hours at my altar. Praying, cajoling, wishing, hoping and at times even bribing. Just this once they say and just a quarter. We'll give half to charity, they say. Hah! Long forgotten claims.

I've seen them come and go, getting older and younger in front of my eyes. No one's free of my allure. They see the glittering lights, the inviting images and they think that today just might be their day. Ching...whirrrr... and they seek synchronisation...a match somewhere for that elusive prize- the jackpot.

How naive, I think, as I watch them. How naive.

And then there are those that refuse- they deny the urge, that they shan't fall under my spells again. And just when they assume that they stand safely on the shore, the wave comes, inching the sand away from beneath their feet and lets the riptide pull them in. Deep.

There are Gods and there are Gods. Me? I am but a temple wherein the God resides.

The only God that matters.

Friday, December 10, 2010


It was in third standard when i first entered that room- and it was clear. Very very clear. That I was in love.

The smell, the sights, the touch of those wizened pages- I never thought a library could be that enchanting. I remember the first question I asked- Can I take it home? And was very sweetly told- "Not till the Sixth standard" From that day on, till the first day of Sixth Standard, it was about biding time and most of that time was spent in the library- devouring books. Don't get me wrong- I was by no means a geek- I mean, I wasn't reading Encyclopedias, or some such thing- It were the stories. So many of them.

My love affair started with Agatha Christies (yes, in third standard!), moved on to Hardy Boys, then Enid Blydons, Sydney Sheldons- It was crazy! I'd read anything that caught my fancy, issue 3 books at a time (maximum allowed), and return them in 2 days flat, only to issue more. I was enthralled by the mysteries, the thrillers, yet soon moved beyond them to the world of grown ups. The books were my friends, my teachers- who taught me all I needed to know about life, relationships, laughter, humour, suspicions, greed, lust and I began to revere authors who could phrase my feelings better than I ever could. Doesn't that feel good? When you don't know how to describe a feeling and then you pick up a book and there it is- written as plainly as possible, in words you could never have thought of?

And then there are these new worlds- for the life of me I could never have thought them up- but thank God for blessed authors! Oh what would I give to meet Tolkien and discuss the middle earth with him, or Alan Moore to know his psyche while inventing Rorschach. It's a blessing to be able to read and comprehend what these great minds have to say- Bulle Shah with his poetry and Vikram Seth with his prose. People don't understand why I'd read a book again- and I do- all of them. For there's a book for every mood and season and every time you read it- any book- again- you'd find something you missed the first time around. Lord knows how many times I have read the tiny "The Little Prince" and every time I've come away with a very very different understanding of life, as seen through the eyes of le petit prince who lives on a tiny planet with two suns.

I heard it quoted in an ad the other day- A book is nothing but a machine for time travel- and so it is.

And so it shall be. For times to come. Amen.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Lost in Translation

A sideways glance. A sigh.

Who knew Europe could be so hard on his American heart?

Another glance. A murmur..”Oi Lienda…”

She glanced up, fluttering eyelashes. Questioning look.

“Belle que fai?”, he asked

A hesitant smile. Smiling, but not comprehending.

“Bonita, bonita que tal?”

A raised eyebrow. Still silent.

“But Belle…”

She interrupts with a soft sigh and a raised hand “Je ne comprends pas francais…So you’ll have to speak to me..some other way…”

He smiled and shook his head…so much for lost in translation…

"Hi", he began afresh...


Jack Johnson came up with this 1 minute 30 second gem called "Belle" for his (apparently) multilingual wife. (

And listening to it, I just thought of a man- trying to figure out what language his lady love speaks. Those lines are the lyrics of the song:

Oi Lienda: Hello, beautiful. (portuguese)
Bella que fai?: Beautiful, what are you doing? (italian)
Bonita, bonita que tal?: Beautiful, beautiful, how are you? (spanish)
But belle: But beautiful
Je ne comprends pas fran
รงais: I do not understand French (french)
So you'll have to speak to me
Some other way

For Kids..Or Not!

I watched HP and the Deathly Hallows the other day and amidst squeals of kids babbling "babby bottah", I realized that this one just isn't for the kids.

I remember half way through the Potter series; there were protests by the church with regards to the apparent promotion of witchcraft amongst kids. I mean, are u serious? Church getting its knickers in a twist over Harry Potter? Um, did you perchance glance at Phillip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy? Now that's a series worth getting your knickers in a twist over :)

I mean the first book is great and yes, somewhat for kids (Spoiler- What do you mean? Your mother is a super villain and your father, in his quest for power refuses to acknowledge you? Childs play all that! ) But then comes the second book and with it, the goose bumps. Extremely fast paced, this 'children's book' tells a riveting story of Bill and Laira. And the third one is a gut wrenching end (spoiler- Dear Church, Metatron was the f***ing super villain- or did u skip this piece entirely?) And they call it a bloody 'children's book'!

I don't get these tags. I picked up Stardust by Neil Gaiman fully anticipating it to be a 'Children's Book'- it does say fairy tale on the cover. All's good till I encounter our favorite little four letter word on the fourth page, second paragraph, all caps. Interesting!

Hence, a humble plea- don’t judge a book by its cover. There’s been no book from which I haven’t learnt. And there’s so much more out there…

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Elvis' blues...

So my car broke down. Actually the accelerator gave up on me. For someone so keen to zoom my way through it all, the near snail pace was unnerving. So I parked the car, called for help and stood by the curb to become a spectator sport. And spectator sport it was, people would go by, slow down whatever vehicles they were driving, look at the car with the open bonnet, the girl standing next to it, shake their heads and drive on by. Well, thanks for all the help.

A guy did stop- well almost- he slowed down his Scorpio and looked me up and down- yes me- not my car- reached a conclusion that i was a damsel in distress that needed saving and he, my knight on a white charger (it was a white Scorpio, go figure) and almost careened to a stop. Almost? Well, the mechanic showed up by then as my actual knight on a white charger ( a God forsaken, practically ancient white omni) and so feeling redundant, he went on his way. Pity.

The mechanic tinkered around under the hood- hemmed and hawed- (maddum, problum kya hai? zara axul pe zor do..hmmm..ab gadi on karo...hmmm..servis kab karai thi aapne?) and then very sweetly told me "woh ji- reelay sot kar gaya hai". He then changed the offending little blue bit and pronounced my car as good as new.

I agree. Its as good as- but definitely not new. Its called Elvis BTW- coz its shiny and plays good music.  Its my second home and a budding mini library and I love it - faulty little blue bits not withstanding :)

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Saw something like this etched somewhere once...made me smile :)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Fool


“But why not?”

“Really, what do you know about it?”

“Know? What is there to know? No one knows- that doesn’t mean no one shall ever find out”

“But why does it have to be you? Wait and watch- Learn from others’ experiences. This can do you no good”

“Why not me? Why are you so anxious? Nothing came out of thinking and waiting. Look at the beauty around you… What are you so scared of? The heights, the edge, or both?

“I am not scared of the heights or edges, I’m just… scared of what I might do when I am near one…”

“Then for once, do it. Without regards to what might happen…give in to the urge, the release, the anticipation and the exhilaration. Feel the wind against your face, defy the gravity, the fall shall help you rise again…”

He stood over the precipice, unbidden, unsought, but caught by a wave of euphoria. His hands trembling, eyes shut, a smile hovering about his face, he took a step. Then another. And then, there were none.

And he fell.

In love.


I believe in tarot. And few cards speak to me like no other.

The fool echoes a question that most closely resembles life- To be or not to be. And as a fool, the answer always is – To BE! And How! It pulls you towards a life of reckless abandon & lustful laughs, begging you take chances, dare into uncharted waters and Fall- Fall for Life!

O me! O Life?

Walt Whitman... he and I are well, involved :)

I love his prose and made this ages ago. The best part about this? Well the best part is actually not included..Scroll below.

And the answer?

That you are here- that life exists, and identity;
That the powerful play goes on, and YOU will contribute a verse.

Genius, that man.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A Forgotten Thought

A whiff of memory passes by...
Unbeknownst to me, it
Turns up the contours of my lips.
Sweet and glorious day it is,
And you to give me company..

Resonated....and how...

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Questionable Quills- A Short Story

He came running up the stairs. First day as an intern and he was late. Late! How could he not have woken up on time? That couldn’t possibly be because of the excitement of starting out his career or the fact that he was celebrating with Mr. Daniels the night before and that Mr. Daniels eventually landed up being flushed down the toilet? *Sigh* Just another day in the life of Derek Quill.

Up he went the stairs huffing and puffing. “I…huff…just …huff…gotalittlelatesir…huff huff”. Mr. Reed looked up from his book, and managed to growl and sigh all at the same time. (A little like Derek’s dad actually- he always tried doing that, you know- growl and sigh at the same time- but it like, never had the same effect) "First day of the job Mr. Quill and you are late. I hope this doesn’t turn into a habit.” “No Sir- not at all sir”, gasped Derek, with his breathing coming around, and his heartbeat resuming its regular pounding.

“You do realize the importance of the job you have here – don’t you?” Continued Mr. Reed, getting up from his rather comfy chair. “After all the Claustrum Syndicate is THE oldest and most reverent Syndicate in the Order of the Quills that ever existed and we take our jobs very very seriously.” “Indeed”

“And trust me- you weren’t the only applicant for this internship-“

“I do understand Mr. Reed and am extremely grateful for this opportunity”

“Good. Now let’s proceed to the job at hand.” Mr Reed replied, heading into a long winding tunnel- a rather dark tunnel at that with little neon arrows (like the ones they have in airplanes) guiding the way. Throughout the tunnel, Derek could spot vents- little vents, big vents, vents the size of a rabbit, vents the size of a hobbit- all in all, he  figured, it was an extremely airy tunnel.

“The Claustrum Syndicate is the oldest of the Order of the Quills, the order founded by the great Petrache Poenaru. As you know, the Order is a sum of multiple syndicates- At Claustrum, we deal with exigencies of the highest order and we have to ensure that our missions are accomplished at all costs!” Derek audibly gulped.

“There are no ground rules- we have to retrieve the tools anyhow. You must understand. The ancient Indians were the first to use the pen. All their Vedas, puranas- there was too much knowledge- too much to be written down- to be saved for posterity. Even at that time, we recognized the power of the written word- the power of a pen! Why do you think that “the Pentagon” was named what it was? A pen has turned the tide of many a wars. Voltaire once remarked” To hold a pen is to be at war”. And our intent is clear- There should be NO WAR!”

“So we just retrieve the pens? Without anyone knowing about it?”

“No- we knock them on the shoulder and politely ask them to hand it over to us.”


“OFCOURSE YOU DUFUS!” Reed turned around on Derek- and quicker than you could say Jack Daniels, had him against the wall-“We retrieve the tools with the stealth of a neenja, as quiet as a tiiiger advancing towards its prey, leaving nooo traces behind. You got it?”

“Y- yes” he stammered.

“We have our systems in place all over the world- these tunnels link to a series of vents to everywhere possible- the UN, the CIA, White House and even….Oprah’s Office.” *Gasp*

“Our team of highly specialized professionals operates under a cover of secrecy and with great danger to their lives to retrieve these pens. People all over the world have, at some point of the time or the other, have lost their pens”, he said, now resuming the walk down the tunnel-“they seem to loose it all the time. One minute it was right here- and another, it’s gone. Keeps happening all the time- fountain pens, ball pens, gel pens, roller pens, markers- any kind of quill you could think of- goes missing.”

“But what purpose would it serve?”

“Isn’t it obvious? You think they said “The pen is mightier than the sword” without meaning it? We were the ones who took away the pen from Hitler when he was about to sign off the Nine Power Treaty and had we not taken away the pen at the appropriate time from Rowling, your dear Harry Potter would’ve been born a year prior- with a broom still- but as a school janitor!”

“B- but- these were important pens- why the others?”

“Use your brains m’boy. How long would it have taken it for them to figure out about us? Pens going missing from right under important noses”

“Of course- so you randomly siphon off others’ pens to make it look like a perfectly random occurrence”

“Exactly! Till date people have been blaming random, imaginary entities for the loss of their writing instruments- where do they go, who uses them- all these questions are but trifle. In fact, I have never seen more pens lost than in the year 1999, when in anticipation of the Y2K bug almost everybody was in the haste to write down the critical information rather than loosing it to their computer hard drives. Information that SHOULD NOT and MUST NOT ever be written down. I believe our sister concern – BIC- turned in a healthy profit that year”

“That’s great”, Derek remarked, as they entered into a room full of stacks and stacks of boxes.

“But what do we do with all these pens?” “What can we do? We recycle them. And the more important ones, of course, go to our museum. Anyways, now that we are here…”

Mr. Reed’s discourse was brutally interrupted by the sounds of blaring sirens- the room and the tunnels suddenly lit up with an eerie red light. “It’s an emergency”, he yelled over the din of sirens, as he tried to grab a passing young lad in a uniform. “Where is the Retrieval Squad off to?” “MTV is signing up Jersey Shore for another season today!! A travesty that MUST be stopped!! We must gather the relevant information immediately”.

“So Mr. Quill”, Mr. Reed said, turning towards Derek, “What are you waiting for?”

“Oh Boy! This is going to be fun!” thought Derek, as he mingled into the pandemonium around him.

The Delayed Flight

I sigh as I look around. I sigh again. Sighs seem inevitable in a situation like this. 

The fish in the aquarium look at me dolefully, their lips moving as if to talk.  I look back at the fish equally dolefully. We seem to have the endless wait in common. I look around. 

Another sigh. 

The voices seem to have subsided to a steady murmur. Bags lying helter skelter, coffee a baleful option. Dull, gray metal encounters my gaze, inducing a chill in this warm weather.  

The frog stares back at me from the cover of my book. "Read me," he says, "let me entertain you with the stories of my well." "But do u know of the worlds outside? The skies that seem so clear?", I ask. 

"No air traffic in the well though," he smirks back at me. 

I sigh again.