Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Unheard Stories

I believe in life after death. 

I believe that we come here to do what we are meant to do - what we need to do- for ourselves. I also believe that death, therefore, is the beginning of yet another journey and not the traumatic event we make it to be. Yet even before I questioned & discovered these truths of life, I couldn't cry when someone died. For me, it took an effort. 

I'm not heartless. I did cry when my grandma died- but it came later- much much later. Alone I sat in my grief for days at end, filled with doubt- Did I accidentally wish for it? Did I not pray to let her go in peace? She might have recovered... 

The dam broke ten days after she died- with my head in my mother's lap- sobbing my guts out, both of us clutching to each other like a lifeline. And when that raw emotion had subsided and what remained in its place was a dull throbbing ache, I realized I didn't know my grandma at all. All I remember is her love and her bhajans and her passion for the ever so grieving soap operas on the telly. And that smile. 

That silly little toothless grin that she'd give every time she'd spot me and her Alzheimer's riddled mind would convince her that its her youngest daughter she was talking to - not her grand daughter. I honestly did not think I loved her that much. Our relationship wasn't anything special. Initially, I was too young to care and by the time I grew up, her illness had consumed her. She had five daughters and thirteen grandkids. But she was my only grandma and you know what? I miss her. I miss having her around and for a while I could barely enter that room without thinking of her. I wish I could have known her better but I know that I shall- in another time, in another place.

And today, having lost the man who was the closest to a grandfather I can remember, I still can't bring myself to cry. All around me are grieving relatives- his children, my parents, his sisters and wife. And all I feel is this strange numbness and a sense- that it's all OK. That it is natural.

But nothing- no spiritual insights- absolutely nothing, prepares you for the moment when you realize that the person who was probably a phone call away is no longer there. That you can't reach out and touch them. Embrace them in a crushing hug, or plant a peck on their cheeks. 

A part of my mind screams he is still around despite the lack of physical presence but it's hard to take in when he is right there in front of me- lifeless on the ground.

And I feel it- yet again- a sense of loss. For the person, yes, but more so for the missed opportunity- Knowing Him. 

Where did time fly? And what was I doing that was so important? When was the last time I let my dad start out with "Humaare zamaane mein toh..."? And why does it not happen anymore? Where did all the stories go?

But you know, the stories are still there. As are the people. All the picture needs- is ME.

And its time to listen.

Let's Avoid Death By Small Doses

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Let's Avoid Death by Small Doses...

Ode Alla Vita (Ode to Life)- Pablo Neruda

Slowly dies he who becomes a slave to habit,
repeating the same journey every day,
he who doesn’t change his march, he who doesn’t risk
and change the color of his clothes, he who doesn’t speak to he whom he doesn’t know.

Slowly dies he who makes of the television his guru,
Slowly he who avoids a passion dies, he who prefers
black on white and dots on is rather than a togetherness of emotions
exactly those that make the eyes shine,
those that make the heart beat
before error and feeling.

Slowly dies he who doesn’t overturn the table,
he who is unhappy in his work,

he who doesn’t risk certainty for uncertainty
to follow a dream,
he who doesn’t permit himself at least one time in his life
to flee sensible counsels.

Slowly dies he who doesn’t travel, he who doesn’t read,
he who doesn’t listen to music,

he who doesn’t find grace in himself.
Slowly he who destroys his own love dies,
he who doesn’t allow himself to be helped.
Slowly he who passes his days lamenting
about his own misfortune or the incessant rain dies.

Slowly dies he who abandons a project
before beginning it,
he who doesn’t ask questions about topics he doesn’t know,
he who doesn’t answer when he is asked something that he knows.

Let’s avoid death by small doses,
remembering always that being alive
requires a much larger effort
than the simple act of breathing.

Only burning patience will bring
within reach a splendid happiness.

Monday, January 2, 2012

A Little Ray of Sunshine

Thud Thud Thud

This noise...little noise...what is it I wonder? 

My eyes flutter open slowly...Oh..I didn't know I could do that- open my eyes, that is! It's dark, and warm and oh sooooo cozy... Sigh.

I snuggle against the smooth surface and rub my face on my soft hair. The wall is all around me. What is it? 


I go tap tap with my feet (I didn't know I could do that either! Imagine!) Sigh. Its a little tight in here.

Hey- whats happening?! There's this weird feeling...its rising in my chest and to my mouth and all of a sudden it opened! My mouth opened! By itself! and my arms rising up as if to stretch *yawn*...and oops- what did I do? 

There's a tiny crack in the wall! And what IS this funny white thing coming in? Hmmm..

I try to crouch back (Away from the funny white thing. Weird.) but I can barely move! Hmph. 

Ok. I get it! I'll just use my brand new tap-tapping skills and cover the crack with my feet and...uh oh. Something just happened. I know it. I must have pressed my back too much against the wall. Sigh. I wonder if I broke something? Let me get up. 

Sigh. I just rolled. Sigh.

But wait...that funny white thing is all around me now and...and it has turned me...gasp! YELLOW!!

Maybe, just maybe, I can...yes...let me fix it...let me turn around..but damn! Did you see that? The wall just gave in..Let me see if....Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! My whole world is crumbling around me! I'm dying! I'm DYING! Daaaaaayyyyyiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnngggggg!


Uh. Ok. 

Hello Mum. 

Um...So i guess there was no need to panic huh? And apparently, the egg IS supposed to break! Hehe. Phew! Who would've thunk?!