Monday, January 2, 2012

A Little Ray of Sunshine

Thud Thud Thud

This noise...little noise...what is it I wonder? 

My eyes flutter open slowly...Oh..I didn't know I could do that- open my eyes, that is! It's dark, and warm and oh sooooo cozy... Sigh.

I snuggle against the smooth surface and rub my face on my soft hair. The wall is all around me. What is it? 


I go tap tap with my feet (I didn't know I could do that either! Imagine!) Sigh. Its a little tight in here.

Hey- whats happening?! There's this weird feeling...its rising in my chest and to my mouth and all of a sudden it opened! My mouth opened! By itself! and my arms rising up as if to stretch *yawn*...and oops- what did I do? 

There's a tiny crack in the wall! And what IS this funny white thing coming in? Hmmm..

I try to crouch back (Away from the funny white thing. Weird.) but I can barely move! Hmph. 

Ok. I get it! I'll just use my brand new tap-tapping skills and cover the crack with my feet and...uh oh. Something just happened. I know it. I must have pressed my back too much against the wall. Sigh. I wonder if I broke something? Let me get up. 

Sigh. I just rolled. Sigh.

But wait...that funny white thing is all around me now and...and it has turned me...gasp! YELLOW!!

Maybe, just maybe, I can...yes...let me fix it...let me turn around..but damn! Did you see that? The wall just gave in..Let me see if....Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! My whole world is crumbling around me! I'm dying! I'm DYING! Daaaaaayyyyyiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnngggggg!


Uh. Ok. 

Hello Mum. 

Um...So i guess there was no need to panic huh? And apparently, the egg IS supposed to break! Hehe. Phew! Who would've thunk?!

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