Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Elvis' blues...

So my car broke down. Actually the accelerator gave up on me. For someone so keen to zoom my way through it all, the near snail pace was unnerving. So I parked the car, called for help and stood by the curb to become a spectator sport. And spectator sport it was, people would go by, slow down whatever vehicles they were driving, look at the car with the open bonnet, the girl standing next to it, shake their heads and drive on by. Well, thanks for all the help.

A guy did stop- well almost- he slowed down his Scorpio and looked me up and down- yes me- not my car- reached a conclusion that i was a damsel in distress that needed saving and he, my knight on a white charger (it was a white Scorpio, go figure) and almost careened to a stop. Almost? Well, the mechanic showed up by then as my actual knight on a white charger ( a God forsaken, practically ancient white omni) and so feeling redundant, he went on his way. Pity.

The mechanic tinkered around under the hood- hemmed and hawed- (maddum, problum kya hai? zara axul pe zor do..hmmm..ab gadi on karo...hmmm..servis kab karai thi aapne?) and then very sweetly told me "woh ji- reelay sot kar gaya hai". He then changed the offending little blue bit and pronounced my car as good as new.

I agree. Its as good as- but definitely not new. Its called Elvis BTW- coz its shiny and plays good music.  Its my second home and a budding mini library and I love it - faulty little blue bits not withstanding :)

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